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Health and Fitness for Busy People

Health meaning

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease. It is very important to have a healthy life since it enables you to work effectively.

Fitness meaning

Fitness is defined as the state of being physically fit and healthy. Fitness is a broad term that means something different to each person, but it refers to your own optimal health and overall well-being. Being fit not only means physical health but emotional and mental health, too.

Relationship between Health and Fitness

Fitness involves the activity of some category that stimulates various systems of the body and maintains a certain condition within the body. Health, on the other hands, involves every system of the body and is only achieved through a lifestyle that supports health. Basing on this health goes hand in hand with fitness since you cannot have a healthy life which doesn’t have any physical, mental or emotional problem without the right fitness.

Steps of Health and Fitness life for busy people

There are 4 easy steps of a better health and fitness life for busy people which are discussed in details in the following lines:

1st step: do the list

A great way to focus your time on the things you value, such as staying healthy and fit, is to create a list of everything you’d like to do in your free time, such as resting, visiting family and friends, watching your favorite movie and others. Once you are done, arrange them in terms of their priority. TIP: try to always fit in at least one of your top three priorities per day, even if it is just for 15 minutes.

2nd step: do less, they can be more

You don’t always have to exercise for an hour to get the benefits and as soon as you understand this you will be able to exercise more regularly, even when you have a full day. TIP: you can do four minutes of kettlebell exercises, four minutes of abs work and two minutes of squats and lunges.

3rd finest food 

When you are busy, your diet can suffer and end up consuming fast food such as pizzas and takeaways which are not healthy for our lives, in order to make sure that you are getting the right nutrition make sure you always have a good stock of food that benefits our health. For example, vegetables, fruits, white meat, juice, milk, and others.

4th try to relax

When you are chasing a day full of meetings with a busy evening your stress levels are probably high and stress has an awful impact on your health and wellbeing. Therefore one of the best things you can do to stay healthy and fit is to learn how to relax. Relaxing is in different ways where you can do easy sport such as yoga, meditation, and try to look at something which makes you happy such as watching fun videos. for more relaxation exercises go through this article.


  1. Hello Nelly Dukuze,
    How great is this blog. I mostly liked the definitions of the two terms fitness and health. Sure I couldn't simply recognize the difference between such. Again, I liked the third tip of taking care foods busy people eat. When we get, we often don't care about our diet. So, from this blog I learn to always care about my diet in order to safeguard my fitness and health.

    Provide us many more!


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